We begin with something familiar. For an electrocardiogram, medical personnel use an electrocardiograph machine to look for problems with the electrical activity of the heart. Electrodes that contact the body allow for the electrical energy from the heart to run over wires. The results appear as line tracings on paper, which the medical doctor is able to interpret.

Similar to what an electrocardiogram tells about the heart, muscle testing tells about the entire system of organs, glands, and tissues. The practitioner manually contacts the various body reflex (electromagnetic) points. If there is dysfunction in the network, the brain trips the neurological reflex, reducing the amount of blood flow and electromagnetic energy to the voluntary muscle that the practitioner is contacting (typically the deltoid of the arm). An active reflex indicates a complication.

An example of a reflex response is the pupil of the eye reacting to light’s electromagnetic energy. The knee is another example, the one commonly used by medical doctors. The body has many reflex points, each one corresponding to an organ, gland, tissue, or bodily function. They can be used to gather critical information about the body’s bio-energetic condition at the cellular level. Muscle testing pinpoints stressors on the system — immune challenges, dermatome scars, heavy metal and chemical toxicities, skeletal interferences, environmental stress, dental issues, food sensitivities, and allergens — all causes of illnesses. God gave us, in the very design of the human body, the ability to accurately, and by a noninvasive means, analyze the complex anatomical system.

In traditional medicine, the doctor uses test results to determine what drugs or surgeries might treat, alleviate, or remove symptoms. Our practitioner does not focus on symptoms but rather develops an individualized program to address the root cause(s) of the symptoms. It may consist of whole-food supplements, environmental testing, cold laser, dietary coaching and other recommended therapies. 

Just as our food supply has been denigrated through pesticides, genetically modified seeds, and chemical processing, many vitamin and mineral supplements are synthetically fabricated in pharmaceutical labs and come to us in isolated forms, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Magnesium, etc. All lack the cofactors and synergistic elements of live foods that are necessary for health. Along with adulterated foods, synthetic vitamins can actually contribute to imbalances and nutritional deficiencies, which can ultimately result in disease.

Proper supplementation utilizes powerful, concentrated whole-food supplements in which enzymes, nutrients, and micronutrients are extracted under strict regulation to keep them intact. The practitioner uses a muscle testing technique to determine the precise nutrients that are lacking. The nutritional program also includes customized dietary guidelines. Dietary intake is examined and adjusted as needed to facilitate detox and healing.

Just as people can “eat their way” into health problems, they can also eat their way out of them! Clients on the program are monitored closely, and changes to the supplement and dietary protocol are made as the case progresses.

Our Quantum Clinical Nutrition Program constitutes a highly developed and individualized approach to wellness. Not everyone is a candidate for this program. The practitioner is able to make the determination after an initial consultation and evaluation. Those who qualify, and are able to commit to restoring their innate health, can write their personal healing stories. We witness incredible breakthroughs in our clinic every day.